Please fill out the registration form and scan and email or mail to the church office. Hard copies can also be found in the church office.
Sunday School Form
Kidz Club Form
Vacation Bible School Student Assistant Application
Vacation Bible School registration form
Please fill out the Camp Scholarship application and submit it to the church office. Applications will be reviewed at the June Ministry night meeting. First priority is given to members or children of members of Federated Church.
Please fill out the form and pledge card and return to the church office.
Your wedding day is one of the most important events in your life. The Federated Church and its Ministers welcome those planning to unite in marriage. God is present as you plan your wedding, join in holy matrimony, and share your lives together.
All requests for wedding dates must have the approval of the Deacons and Elders before it can be scheduled on the church calendar. Please read through the wedding policy before submitting a wedding request form. Scan and email or mail the request form to the church office. Forms are also available in the church office.
The Federated Church is available for funeral services for members, former members and nonmembers. Services must be conducted in a manner that befits a Christian congregation. Arrangements for services are to be coordinated through the pastor who has been charged with the responsibility of what and who may be a part of the service.
If you are interested in using The Federated Church building for a meeting or group event, please read through the Building Use Policy and fill out a Building Use Request form. Scan and email or mail the Building Use Request form to the church office. Forms are also available in the church office.
Funerals are priority events. All other events are scheduled or rescheduled around funeral services.