In Our Church



Two-Three families are designated each Sunday to serve as coffee hosts and greeters (one family for each service). Greeters/coffee hosts will be notified by mail of their Sunday assignment. If you are unable to serve on that Sunday, you will be responsible for finding your own substitute; service groups will be posted on church bulletin boards and in the church newsletter.


The committees of The Federated Church are a way to serve and get connected in a particular area of the church life. Committees meet at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Meeting length is usually 1 hour. No meetings are held in July

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31

The Caring Ministry and Outreach committee integrates and supports all the pastoral care ministries of the church and coordinates the congregational care of members and visitors of The Federated Church. The committee oversees the Parish Nurse program and Stephen Ministry program.

“Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name.” Psalm 86:11

The Christian Education and Youth Committee encourages and provides for the Christian nurture and growth of each member and visitor of The Federated Church. This is done through seeking out quality education programs, encouraging the church to live out our faith together, and cultivating cross-generational relationships. The Christian Education Committee also provides scholarship assistance to graduating high school seniors from The Federated Church who are pursuing high education degrees. The Committee disperses monies from a fund established by former Federated Church pastor, Rev. William Van Dyken and his wife, Marjorie Van Dyken.

“I exhort the elders among you to tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you do it.” 1 Peter 5:1

The Board of Deacons and Elders is the governing board of the church. All matters of policy affecting the church are determined by, or subject to review by, this Board. The Board has jurisdiction over all the groups within the church, and is subject only to the action of the congregation.

“…we declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us…” 1 John 1:3a

The Fellowship Committee seeks ways to bring the congregation together for fun and fellowship.

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 3:10-11

The Board of Managers has oversight for all property owned by the church, and handles the payment of bills and the financial obligations of the congregation.

“So then, whenever we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all; especially for those of the family of faith.” Galatians 6:10

The Mission Committee leads the congregation in its mission to fulfill Christ’s challenge to minister to one another in our church, in our community, and in the world by developing programs that give church members opportunities to serve Christ in these different spheres.

The Nominating Committee is charged with the task of seeking and nominating individuals to serve on the church’s governing board and other committees. The committee strives to match individual’s gifts with the appropriate ministry within the church.

Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?” 1 Kings 3:9

The Personnel Committee coordinates and reviews staff relationships, benefits, and staffing needs of the congregation.

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due God’s name; bring an offering and come into God’s courts.”
Psalm 96:8

The Stewardship Committee promotes joyful and responsible Christian stewardship of financial and human resources. They direct the church’s annual stewardship campaign, which starts at the end of September. During this time, the Stewardship committee works to raise awareness as to how our resources are managed, and how we as a Christian community can share our gifts for the greater good. Included in this campaign are ways to pledge and contribute.

O come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For the Lord is our God, and we are the sheep of God’s pasture, and the sheep of God’s hand.” Psalm 95:6-7

The Worship and Music Committee makes recommendations to the Deacons & Elders concerning times and places for worship, a schedule for the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and plans for special services throughout the year. They staff and supervise the music ministries of the church.


If you are interested in helping out with any of the following opportunities, please contact the church office for more information. We need and appreciate our volunteers!

Volunteers assist with crafts and games; provide and serve snacks; or remain with the groups throughout the afternoon. Kidz Club is led by Pastor Karen and meets on Wednesday afternoons from 3:45-5:00pm.

Confirmation leaders play an important role in passing on the truths of our faith to the next generation. 7th/8th grade confirmation meet at Federated at 4pm. 9th grade meets at 6:30pm at Federated. Classes are taught by Rev. Doug Dent and Rev. Karen Anderson-Dent. Volunteers are needed to assist in each class.

If you are passionate about connecting with high school students and pointing them to Jesus, contact us about being a youth group leader. Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9pm. One-time volunteers are also needed for various special events throughout the year.

If you like to sing, can pick out harmonies, or play an instrument, contact us about using your gifts in the praise band. 

More voices are always welcome in the choir! Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm, September through May, and sings during the worship service on Sundays.

Anyone with a basic foundation in music is welcome in the Bell Choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm. 

Maintenance of the church building is done by Pete Konrad. However, if you have repair or maintenance skills and would like to be added to our list of people we can contact for occasional extra maintenance projects, please call the church office. In addition, if anyone notices something in need of attention by our maintenance staff, please fill out a custodial/maintenance request form and submit it to the church office.