Christian Education and Youth

Up Coming Fall Events at Federated

Kids Club will begin on Wednesday, September 11 at 3:30pm. A bus will be at Kennedy School for transportation. Please look for Pastor Doug as he will be waiting at the bus.

Senior High youth group begins on Wednesday, September 11 at 7:30pm.

Sunday School will begin on Sunday mornings at 10:30am starting on September 15.

Confirmation begins on Wednesday, September 18. 7tha and 8th grade will meet after school at 3:30pm and 9th grade at 6:30pm.

The confirmation retreat will be September 20-22 at Clearwater Forest Camp. They will be studying the story of Joseph to see what his life can tell us about God’s providence for each of us.

Pre-K Sunday School with parents will be held the first Sunday of every month. Join us starting on Sunday, October 6 after worship at 10:30am.